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Storyteller, created by Argentine solo developer Daniel Benmergui, embarked on its development odyssey back in 2009. Gaining recognition for innovation at the Independent Games Festival in 2012, the game promised a unique storytelling experience. However, personal life challenges led Benmergui to pause the project in 2015. After a hiatus, he returned, releasing a demo version nearly two years ago and recently launching the full version with the support of Annapurna Interactive. Knowing the game’s backstory raises curiosity about the developmental journey and the time invested in bringing this creative vision to life.

Crafting Tales in Storyteller: A Creative Puzzle Experience

Storyteller invites players into the role of a writer, offering a book with blank pages to fill with stories that align with provided descriptions. The game consists of 13 chapters, each containing three to four scenes split into several cells. Players are tasked with strategically placing locations and characters to create narratives that match the given scenarios, moving on to subsequent challenges. For instance, in the plot “Isabel Remarries,” players are given Isabel and two other characters. The task involves orchestrating breakups and new unions, with four locations including rooms with poison and wine, hinting at dark outcomes. Storyteller explores themes of betrayal, murder, and even borderline incest, offering a nuanced narrative experience. However, the game’s structure, with only a few challenges per chapter, can feel limiting. Initial puzzles often serve as simple introductions to mechanics or characters, making them feel too straightforward and repetitive over time.

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